Kerio Control 9.3: Now With High Availability
06 May 2019
GFI Software presents Kerio Control 9.3 with High Availability. All organizations owning Kerio Control appliances can now have 24hrs. network connectivity. These businesses can now eliminate the risk and cost of connectivity or threat-protection downtime.
Without high-availability, prime device failure due to a power surge or other cause often leads network administrators to put a simple router in place to re-establish connectivity. There may be lost productivity waiting for this solution. But worse, the network is vulnerable to security threats until the secure gateway is repaired or replaced.
To initiate high-availability, customers acquire and install a second, same Kerio Control appliance or virtual machine. The Master-Slave configuration allows businesses to stay connected by synchronizing the two appliances through a physical link, called heat beat. The two hardware pieces check each other constantly and if the Master is no longer responding, the Slave jumps into action immediately.
To initiate high-availability, new and existing customers:
  • Acquire and install a second, same Kerio Control appliance or virtual machine
  • A single software license will cover the two pieces of hardware
  • Customers configure the second device as a clone of the active one
  • Configuration settings are easy-to-do and take minutes
  • Once configured, the two devices connect through a synching port and all rules and routing are replicated and kept up-to-date between them 
So, with high-availability, if a crash or failure occurs the second machine jumps into action immediately. Users see no drop of service. The organization has no vulnerability exposure.
If you have any questions about Kerio Control or other GFI Software solutions, please, contact us at Register to vendors webinar to know more! 
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